segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011



Passei o ultimo dia do ano nessa cidade, visitei um pouco da região que tem perto do quarteirão dos museus e a estacão central. Era impressionante a quantidade de ''ciclistas'', as pessoas usam as bicicletas como meio de transporte, acredito que seja por causa do preco de um bilete de bonde ( 2,6 euros), existe uma ciclovia na cidade inteira, e os holandeses tem um sino(buzina) instalado no guidão, eles nao tem receio em usa-la! Olhem as bicicletas, essa quantidade é quase nada perto das rampas, com altura aproximadamente de 2 andares, cheias de bicicletas... Não era pra eu ter saido na foto, e eu estava sorridente por causa da geracão ''saúde'' e das bikes.

Como eu tinha pocuo tempo pra ficar na cidade eu planejei ir visitar o Museum do Van Gogh, é o museum que contem o maior acervo de obras desse artista, estão reunidas 200/900 que ele produziu. Tem obras de outros artistas também, como Monet, Paul Gaugin, etc.
Mesmo no último dia do ano de 2010 a fila para entrar no museum era enorme, na foto só dá pra ver a metade da '' frente'', pra trás tem mais um tanto de pessoas.  O ingresso é carinho, custa 14 euros. Mas até 17 anos não paga, totalmente FREE!                                                                
Essa foto tem uma historinha... quando entrei no museum eu fui no balcão onde alugam aqueles guias eletronicos (mp3) e perguntei o seguinte :'' May I take picture of  the paintings?'' o cara respondeu : '' You just can take picture of this wall''. Bom ele estava se referindo a uma parede onde estavam as informacões do Van Gogh e uma foto gigante de um quadro dele. Mas eu entendi que poderia tirar foto do ''Hall'' onde  nos estavamos, porque eram três salões, um em cada andar. Então toda contente, fui lá e tirei a foto do primeiro quadro que vi, nào deu 5 segundos o guarda veio chamar minha atencão! hahahahaha,

Bom aqui é algum parque perto dos museus, não faco ideia porque eu me enfiei na cidade só com um papel que imprimi como chegar da estacão central até o museum do Van Gogh, e com o numero do bonde. Mas não serviu pra muita coisa, eu me guiei melhor pedindo informacão pra policial na rua e o motorista do bonde! hahahaha 

No mesmo parque em um banquinho do lado, os meninos estavam fumando e o cheiro de macanha era evidente! Enquanto no Brasil as pessoas se escondem pra fumar, em Amsterdam eles fumam em público sem problema. Quando comeca a escurecer a cidade ganha cheiro de erva.

Esse é o palco sendo montado e testado a iluminacão horas antes de comecarem os shows da virada do ano...

Viagem- Pantanal

Pantanal Mato Grossense

 O Pantanal é caracterizado por grandes fazendas alagadas no período de outubro -abril, no período de seca formam grandes lagos, é nessa época mais fácil de visualizar os animais, pois a abundância de alimentos é menor. A vegetação é uma mistura de Cerrado com Mata Atlântica.

Animais :

Tamandua  - Mirim (Tamandua tetradactyla)

Jacaré ( reptéis da ordem Crocodylia)

                                               Jabiru Mycteria , essa ave é o símbolo do pantanal, classificada como maior ave voadora do Brasil, chega a pesar 8kg. Popularmente conhecida como Tuiuiú.

Casinha do João de Barro!
Martim Pescador

Cuiabá, capital do Mato Grosso sediará a copa de 2014 no Brasil, a cidade já está em clima de preparação, reforma e construção para hospedar os esportistas e todos envolvidos com o evento. Estou curiosa qual será o impacto para a região, tanto para o meio ambiente quanto para a população local que vive em precárias condições.


Por do Sol

Cachoeira Véu de Noiva

Nascente em Nobres



  Before leaving Asia I went to Thailand for few days. I was looking into getting there by train from Kuala Lumpur, but it would take more than 10 hours and I´d need to take some buses to get in Phuket ( turistic island ), so I found cheap fly to get directly to Phuket international airport ( I think by plane was cheaper than by train). If you go to phuket don't change your money over there, the money Exchange was better at the malaysians intentional airport than anywhere I saw in phuket. After arriving on the airpor we took a van cuz (there are taxi and minivan to get in the city you wish) taxi was too Expensive for me, van was more convenient it cost 150baht, is about 4$ or less than this!

 At the beach you can rent a rest chair under the umbrella, I have no ideia how does it cost, but it's very common so turist pay for it :

Trafic and the stores were disorganized, like you can see:

I stay in Kuta, it is the funer city, I mean there are a lot of bar, woman show, funny spot. What about the beaches? Pretty cool, nice and warm... European "ladies" use to do TOP Less! Such a lot of place in Asia there were bitches everywhere...they were on tour trought some turistic point making company for the guys that they were spending day and mostly night... 



What is interesting to do in Thailand ? First of all is ride an elephant! It's pretty fun, maybe it seems to be scary, but is interesting feel how slowly and soft the way it walks! The trainer beats hardly with a stick on the head of their elephant and he also guide screaming with it! 

Second of all is corious watch a muyai Thai( Thai box ), international people fight it a lot of the hand to punch their rival, but the Thai people fight more dancing and using their leg to kick, Thai people fight seem to be less aggressive then other nationality doing it!

 ( some pictures don't fit with what I wrote, like this peanapple, I would like to upload another picture but I don't have them here, acctualy I lost them, so when I find it I wish to be able to organize this post)

Bali / Indonesia

When traveling to Bali, you should save about $ 25 to acquire a visa and more $15 to pay the air port services while you are going back. Bali has its charm, I got heartbroken when I saw the food chain restaurants and those international resorts like Hard Rock Cafe. 
Bali can be overwhelming with salesman trying to push tons of merchandises while you are walking on the street. They  might even speak your language! 

(Sunset on the temple)

The Island is very small, but the traffic it's so crazy( I will try to explain how it looks,as you can see my English vocabulary is poor, that's why it wont sound like William Blake 's creation! hahahaha). 
The road are pretty well maintained and new. The streets are very narrow, so every time there is two cars coming from opposite directions it seems like they will have a frontal collision. It is extremely scary.

 Unfortunately I did not have the chance to party in Bali, it was a family trip and I am only 16. I was very disappointed with the beaches, the sand was full of trash. I was reading that in  Bali bonfires on the beach are very traditional and popular.

( curves levels or  rice terraces, it's so amazing and unbelievable! )

 On the right picture is a Balinese family house. For what I understood, several generations live there together. They have their own temple and garden.

                                                                  (Balinese House)

  On the right side picture is Kuta Beach! It is a very popular beach to surf. 

I was very amazed by the Balinese's Temples. They are so different from anything I have seen before. Their garden is so beautiful, and all the details are so rich.  

Another thing that broke my heart was to see child labor in Bali. In Brazil, unfortunately you can see that too. 


 Hello there! This weekend, I had a quiet adventurous trip to the 4th developed country in the world. After planing our trip to Bali, my grandfather insisted in squeezing a short trip to Singapore to visit his friend. I booked tickets to leave Kuala Lumpur on Friday  and be back on Sunday, since our trip to Bali would start that Monday.  When traveling, I love asking all the tips to local people, and taxi drivers, plus is a great way to engage with locals. We were told to check out Marina Square. That's what we did right away.

 ( Marina Square )

We got very lucky, there was a Chinese festival going on at Marina Square due to the New year's eve. It was an amazing experience, the music was wonderful, and I ran backstage to get a picture with some of the dancers.

The next morning, we met with my grandparent's friends and they showed us around. It is very expensive to have a car in Singapore, so people bike a lot, and use taxis.  Our friends took us to a vegetarian Indian restaurant at the Indian neighborhood. I have never been to India, but the food tasted so authentic. I could not resist, and I had so much fun eating with my hands. Malaysians also eat with their hands so I actually got some practice in it.

After our stomach got full we went to the Botanic Park...

On the Botanic Garden, there were a lot species of plants, from tropical to European. There were appropriate green houses to simulate the environment where the plans were from.

 Perfect place to go on dates as well! 

Sunday on the way back to Kuala Lumpur, I am told during the check in that I cannot board since my passport will expire in less then 6 months. I was incredibly calm, however my mom was very worried because she did not want to leave me alone in Singapore and she also did not want to leave my grandparents to return alone to Kuala Lumpur and then to Bali alone. It was a very delicate situation where I am 16 years old stuck in a country, and my grandparents are elder. I tried talking my mom into leaving me there and going ahead and taking care of my grandparents. Singapore is a very safe city, you do not even see cops on the streets, and there are literally cameras all over there city.
In the end, my grandparents adventured alone back to Malaysia and the next day to Bali. My mom and I were able to contact our friends and we stayed over their place for one night.
Luckily, they were able to help us to get a temporarily passport the next day at the Polish embassy and before we knew it we were flying to Bali on Monday too.

So, we pretty much arrived to Indonesia only couple hours after my grandparents made it to it. Funny fact, I am always over prepared while traveling, which means, I always bring extra clothes, computer, extra batteries and documents. This time, I was like "it's only a weekend trip, I am tired of dragging all this things with me, let's pack just the minimum and no computer".

Oh, I also realized I have brought my swiss knife along on the flight from KL to Singapore. That also reassured me how flaw the airport security is. Its only a big show to make you feel safe...   
Later on, I made a bus trip from KL to Singapore to get my knife back. Actually, it was so I could travel by land and see the Malaysian landscape from the ground!

  ( just an amazing photo from botanic park)

Our friend, also called Anna,  took us to a nice restaurant in Singapore ( after being stopped in Singapore) where we ate a nice soft fish :

Port Dickson

Couple weekends ago, I hopped on the bus and ended up in Port Dickson. It's about 80 km from Kuala Lumpur. It was quiet an adventure, since I needed to switch buses, and the once you leave the big city, its hard to find people that speak English. 

The first thing that caught my attention was how dressed people were. Since, it is a muslin country they have different swimming suits. So, I adapted to their culture and I swam with pants and T-shirt. I am so glad I did this, first becaus eI respected the local culture, second because it was very sunny and I would have been badly sunburn. 

 Along the beaches there are a lot of Resorts. However, I have not seen many tourists around. It looked more like a place that local people would hang out at. The water was hot  and shallow.

On the horizon, there were two oil platforms. That was a very interesting experience to see those massive structures on the sea. 

KL Tower

Hoje ( 20.01) é feriado Hindu aqui na Malásia, parece que acontece uma grande celebracão lá no templo da Batu Caves - postagem anterior. Não tivemos coragem de ir lá, se sábado passado estava lotado imaginem como seria na data festiva deles!

 A programacão hoje foi visitar o KL Tower, 4 maior torre de telecomunicacao do mundo, com 421 m de altura.
 Na base dessa torre tinha algumas cantinas, lojas de lembracinhas e um jardim simulando um vilarejo Malaio. Na capsula, no topo, tinha a vista panoramica, e um andar mais acima há um restaurante. 

  É muito alto lá, a sensacão de ver a Twin Tower relativamente ''pequena'' e de cima é muito esquisito. porque quando você está no chão dela ela parece que arranha o céu, porém quando voce está no KL Tower a Twin parece uma miniatura!

 Outro detalhe interessante de observar é que nessa capital existem várias manchas verdes. Parece que a cidade não acaba, tem prédios até horizonte, entretanto a flora está no meio de tudo isso. É bonito de ver que tiveram dó de algumas árvores. Vamos ver quanto tempo elas ainda durarão nessa aqui!

 Após sentir a mudanca de pressão ao subir e descer dessa torre, minha mãe e eu visitamos uma simulacão de vilarejos malaios. Ficava logo ao lado da torre.

 Não deixei de tirar a foto no jardim que antecedia o vilarejo, estava bonitinho e reconfortante de mais!

Enfim as cabanas simulando uma vila :

 Dentro dessas cabanas tinha umas camas feitas com bambum.

Batu Caves

 Hoje fui com minha mãe visitar um templo hinduista que fica em uma caverna (aproximadamente 13 km do centro de Kuala Lumpur). Esse templo é do Lord Murunga, na entrada da escadaria de 273 degraus tem a maior estátua do mundo desse Lord.

Ao chegar no local nos deparamos com uma multidão de devotos, havia uma fila enorme para as escadarias , e nessa fila os hindus praticavam suas dancas , rituais e tocavam e ''cantavam'' ( faziam um barulho estranho). Na verdade eles entravam em transe.


As oferendas era um pote decorado com leite dentro, isso é carregado até o templo dentro da caverna. Não só homens e mulheres carregavam essa oferenda, mas as criancas também.

Por toda a parte via-se bebes no colo de suas mães no meio dos devotos:


 Em meio de tantas pessoas haviam devotos jogados no chão inconcientes, realizando seu culto, apesar de ser um tumulto essas pessoas não foram pisoteadas, todos passavam pelos deitados cautelosamente para não feri-los.

Cansou um pouquinho subir as escadas, muito ingrime. O templo fica a 100m de altura. As pessoas ficavam fatigadas em subir com as oferendas na cabeca e mais ainda com os Kavadi. Kavadi é outro tipo de oferenda, é uma estrutura de metal com mais de 2 metros toda decorada com penas, o hindu veste isso e vai subindo. Pessoas auxiliam os que carregam esses Kavadises.

Dentro da caverna os indianos estavam fazendo algum ritual, havia algumas pessoas sentadas no chão com alguns sintomas de fadiga, outras com piercing no corpo inteiro, ou na lingua de forma que não conseguiam botar a lingua pra dentro da boca, pois o piercing era tão grande que não cabia na boca. Vi um cara com uma estaca atravessando as duas bochechas dele.

Essa foto ampliada é das costas de uma pessoa com um monte de piercing enganchado. Eles queimam alguma coisa pra produzir as cinzas e nao infecionar a pele após retirar os ganchos. Parece que eles não sentem dor e não sangra. Sobre a dor eu não sei, pois não perguntei e nem tentei fazer isso, mas sobre o sangue é verdade. Fiquei assistindo a retirada de piercings e não vi nenhuma gota de sangue.

O pó branco nas costas desse ser humano é a mesma do pote na foto abaixo :