sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2012

Torun - Poland

So let's register my last vacation... After few years I turned back to Poland. This year,  I visited some family's places, and Torun is one of them. It's the town where my grandma was born. This city is a tourist point due to Copernicus ( the guy that found out that the earth is moving around the sun), and this city as known as city of the most ancient recipe of Honey Cookie ( I don't know if it's the right name in English , in Poland they call it "Pierniczki" , and Portuguese "Pao de Mel") - Anyway they are still delicious even without any name... hahahah 
  unfortunately,  I just took few picture, this is one of them. I'm not sure but I think is the apartment that my gradma lived when she was teenager...  

Some city view from a Castle Hill 
( the Castle was just behind me,...
but my best pic was od the city)
when we are turning back home 
after visit Torun!

just an picture with my lovely grandpa...

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